Monday, September 2, 2013

Assembly Calculator + Source

Hello everyone,

After a long hassle, I began learning Assembly; I must say it is very challenging and it is definitely worth it.

Here is the source:
        .asciz "1. Add\n2. Subtract\n3. Divide\n4. Multiplication\nOption:"
        .asciz "First Number:"
        .asciz "Second Number:"
        .asciz "The answer is: %d\n"
        .ascii "%d\0"
        .int 0
        .int 0
        .int 1

.globl _main

        pushl $first
        call _printf
        addl $4, %esp

        pushl $int1
        pushl $d
        call _scanf
        addl $8, %esp

        pushl $second
        call _printf
        addl $4, %esp

        pushl $int2
        pushl $d
        call _scanf
        addl $8, %esp

        pushl $Hello
        call _printf
        addl $4, %esp

        pushl $option
        pushl $d
        call _scanf
        addl $8, %esp

        cmpl $1, option
        jz toadd
        cmpl $2, option
        jz subtract
        cmpl $3, option
        jz divide
        cmpl $4, option
        jz multiplication

        movl int1, %eax
        addl int2, %eax
        pushl %eax
        pushl $answer
        call _printf
        addl $8, %esp        
        jmp end        


        movl int1, %eax
        subl int2, %eax
        pushl %eax
        pushl $answer
        call _printf
        addl $8, %esp
        jmp end        

        movl int1, %eax
        movl int2, %ebx
        xorl %edx, %edx
        idivl %ebx
        pushl %eax
        pushl $answer
        call _printf        
        addl $8, %esp
        jmp end        

        movl int1, %eax
        movl int2, %ebx
        imull %ebx
        pushl %eax
        pushl $answer
        call _printf
        addl $8, %esp

        call _getchar
        call _getchar

How do you assemble it?
as -o main.o main.s

How do you link it?
ld main.o -o main.exe -e_main -L"C:\Dev-cpp\lib" -lmsvcrt

Is there an easier method to assemble and link it?
Yes, there is. Open notepad and put this:
as -o main.o main.s
ld main.o -o main.exe -e_main -L"C:\Dev-cpp\lib" -lmsvcrt
Save it as build.bat[orwhatever.bat] and put it into the same folder as the source. Open the build.bat and it should compile.

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